We'll Teach You About
Successful Retirement Strategies
Safety is one of our key principles when it comes to
Making a Successful Retirement Strategy
If anyone were to ask us, “What are the most successful retirement strategies?” our answer would be consistent.
A good retirement strategy includes a component of safety at its foundation. You can look for ways to earn a reasonable rate of return**, but protecting your assets should be your first priority. You may need a new strategy, depending on your stage of planning. People generally want less risk in their investments as they age.

Reviewing Your Plans
In addition to our no-cost educational workshops, we also provide retirement reviews. At these reviews, we’ll look over your current assets, and discuss your goals or any areas of retirement or lifestyle that are important to you. We encourage you to ask questions at our meetings, so we can tell you the specific answers you need.
The topics we can go over with you include, but are not limited to:
- The benefits of a clear and simple retirement strategy
- The risks of current portfolio investments
- The amount of risk you’re willing to take
- Your various goals and needs in retirement
- How you can assure safety of principal in your plan
- Ways of transferring wealth to your heirs
Finding a Successful Retirement Strategy for You
Everyone is different, and everyone’s goals and needs are different. This is why we highly recommend that you speak to us one-on-one.
Finding a financial professional with experience who’ll listen to your goals and ideas is important. Every strategy relies on the individual concerns and needs of its respective client, so look for a financial professional who can help find the right solution for you, specifically.
Finding the Right Financial Professional
There are sometimes instances of clients we can’t help. Sometimes someone’s situation is simply outside our range of knowledge. But generally, most people we meet with have needs and priorities that match our values and offerings. It’s very important to us that, when deciding if you want to work with us, you feel confident in our abilities and trust us.
Your needs will sometimes shift over time. You may have been more open to investments that came with risk when you were younger, but now that you’re getting older or no longer working that’s probably changed. Most retirees can’t afford to experience a big dip in their retirement accounts. Especially as we age, our ability to recover from big losses lessens more and more. In some cases, people will have to work longer than they originally planned for this very reason. Worse yet, people who suffer market loss could find themselves needing to return to work after retirement in order to make ends meet. This obviously isn’t a situation we’d ever want our clients to be in.

Getting Educated is Important
The choices you make regarding your money now could impact you later. Therefore, we focus on giving you the financial and retirement workshop that you need. Our dinner workshops provide information you could use in planning for the future. We also pay for you to enjoy a complimentary dinner while we go over your different options for money security and protection in retirement. We also talk about different tax strategies, facts about certain retirement strategies, and ways you can leave a legacy behind. You can’t make a decision without being well-informed, and this is why we encourage you to sign up for one of our educational workshops to learn more information.
A Fresh Approach to Retirement
Here at AGM Secure Money, we believe the best way to help you is to offer the most suitable retirement strategies that we can. You should feel confident when it comes to your strategy and the safety of your money. We look forward to meeting with you so we can work together and develop a strategy that most suits you and your needs.